2015 Mayors’ Economic Forecast

Wendel Rosen is pleased to sponsor the 2015 Mayors’ Economic Forecast Summit on February 19, 2015 at the Oakland Convention Center.

Mayor Ed Lee of San Francisco and Mayor-elect Libby Schaaf of Oakland, along with a local economist and real estate expert will headline the annual Mayors’ Economic Forecast.

State of the Cities: What does 2015 hold in store for San Francisco, Oakland and the Bay Area?

San Francisco and Oakland are two of the most dynamic urban environments in the nation, each city known for its own brand of “cool.” As dense urban markets continue to be prized locations, these two closely situated cities have much to gain from each other.

San Francisco’s tech-driven growth boom has resulted in some of the highest housing and office costs in the nation, posing challenges for workers, employers, and the economy. Oakland is poised for a wave of housing construction and development as its star rises. In both cities, housing availability and affordability and its impact on employment, is a top concern.

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and Mayor Libby Schaaf will discuss their visions and outlook for their cities and the region and share their views on solutions to housing supply that meets demand. We will hear about their priorities for the coming year; how they’ll meet the needs of businesses and the development community; and what’s keeping them up at night.

The program will open with 2015 forecasts from experts in the financial and real estate markets in the Bay Area.

Click here for more information.

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