Meet the Regulators
The A&WMA Golden West Section would like to invite you to our Meet the Environmental Regulators Reception and Mixer on September 30, 2014. This first time event will host Jack Broadbent and some of his staff from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD). Regulators from the EPA have also been invited. Following introductions of the regulators, A&WMA members and non-members are invited to mingle and informally ask questions or discuss issues with the regulators. Beer, wine, cheese and appetizers will be served.
The event may be attended by all interested members of the Golden West Section and their colleagues. We welcome representatives of regulatory agencies, academia (both students and their professors), industry, community and environmental groups, and the consulting community.
For more information about the Golden West Section of the Air & Waste Management Association, visit our website at http://www.awma-gws.org.
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