
Black, Patrick J.

Patrick Black is a member of our natural resources, energy and environmental law group, where he focuses primarily on energy and water regulatory matters.  Patrick represents large industrial customers, renewable energy developers and water and wastewater utilities in matters before the Arizona Corporation Commission.  Patrick also works with commercial and residential developers in securing utility services for end-use customers, including the integration of energy efficiency, clean tech and emerging technology programs to help combat climate change.  He also represents clients before the Arizona Power Plant and Line Siting Committee in the siting of generation and transmission projects throughout the state.  Patrick is currently focused on matters involving the development of wholesale power markets in Arizona, as well as consolidation efforts in the water and wastewater industries to achieve a higher level of quality service for customers in more rural areas of the state.


  • J.D., Santa Clara University School of Law
  • B.S., Santa Clara University

Areas Of Practice

Our regulatory attorneys have helped develop and define laws shaping our region for more than a century. We serve clients at all levels of state, county and municipal government as well as numerous federal agencies.

We have more than135 years of experience representing clients in minerals development.

Our business attorneys recognize and appreciate the value of entrepreneurship and innovation, and are committed to providing efficient, straightforward and business-oriented solutions that facilitate success and avoid pitfalls while recognizing early capital is precious and expensive.

We are the forward-thinking natural resources, energy and environmental law team that innovates to ensure industry and businesses successfully navigate the ever-changing regulatory climate.

Our attorneys provide full-service representation to alternative, renewable, and next-generation energy producers, developers, and manufacturers.


  • Renewable Energy and Clean Tech

Representative Cases

  • In the Matter of the Application of Tucson Electric Power Company for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility Authorizing the Construction of a 138kV Transmission Line and Associated Facility to Serve the Rosemont Copper Project. Docket No. L-00000C-11-0400-00164.
  • In the Matter of Southern California Edison Company for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility to Construct a 500kv transmission line from Palo Verde to the Devers II substation. Case No. 130 (Docket No. E-00000A-06-0295-00130). Decision No. 69638.
  • In the Matter of the Proposed Rulemaking for the Renewable Energy Standard and Tariff Rules, Docket No. RE-00000C-05-0030. Decision No. 69127.
  • In the Matter of the Application of Arizona Public Service Company to Determine the Fair Value of Utility Property of the Company for Ratemaking Purposes, to Fix a Just and Reasonable Rate of Return Thereon, to Approve Rate Schedules Designed to Develop Such Return, and for Approval of a Power Purchase Contract. Docket No. E-01345A-03-0437. Decision No. 67744.
  • In the Matter of Salt River Project Improvement District, et al., for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility to Construct a 500kv transmission line from the Pinal West to Southeast Valley/Browning substations, Docket No. L-00000B-04-0126. Decision No. 68093.

Awards and Honors

  • Best Lawyers in America®, Energy Law, Energy Regulatory Law, Utilities Law, 2013-2025
  • Fennemore Craig Ranked #1 for Renewable Energy by Ranking Arizona, 2015-2016
  • Arizona’s Top Lawyers, AZ Business Magazine, 2013


  • Featuring, “Supervisors approve franchises for rebuilding older water systems,”, May 23, 2022

Professional and community activities

  • Member, State Bar of Arizona
  • Member, Arizona Asian American Bar Association 2006-Present (President 2006, Board 2005-2011)
  • Member, American Bar Association
  • Member, Governor Brewer’s Solar Task Force, Transmission Subcommittee
  • Member, Governor Napolitano’s Asian-American Advisory Council
  • Past Chairman, Thomas Tang Scholarship Committee for the Arizona Asian American Bar Association, 2003-2005


  • Arizona