Red Flags for Retained Experts
Litigation Attorney Josh Cohen will present on March 13, 2019 as part of Forensic Expert Witness Association’s “Red Flags for Retained Experts” in South San Francisco, CA.
Program Description
Working as a retained expert can be financially and emotionally rewarding. Clients, counsel, courts and juries will listen to you opine about your area of expertise, but there are a number of red flags that experienced experts can see a mile away and know how to avoid at all costs.
Join the Forensic Expert Witness Association on March 13th to network with fellow experts and learn how advanced experts handle hypothetical questions, incomplete narratives, false logic, and red flags.
Learning Objectives
- Last minute retention
- Litigators vs. trial attorneys (how to tell the difference)
- Consulting vs. Testifying
- Getting ghosted by the attorney
- Slow retention, slow payments
- Informational abyss
- Cram sessions
- Getting beyond your comfort zone
- Hurry up and wait, their fire is not your emergency
- Being able to look yourself in the mirror (self r-e-s-p-e-c-t)
Register: To register, please click here.
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