Setting Up Benefit Corporations

On Thursday, December 13, 2012, from 10 to 11 am, Wendel Rosen attorney Donald Simon will co-present “Benefit Corporations: Practical Considerations for Businesses and Their Counsel,” a TeleBriefing sponsored by Law Seminars International.

Who Should Call In

Lawyers and accountants who advise businesses; entrepreneurs and business owners who want their businesses to have a positive impact on society and the environment; socially responsible investors.

What You Will Learn

  • What a benefit corporation is
  • Potential advantages and disadvantages of forming a benefit corporation
  • Duties of corporate directors
  • How to become — or cease to be — a benefit corporation
  • How the various benefit corporation statutes that have been enacted compare to one another

Why You Should Call In

This one-hour TeleBriefing will provide an introduction to a new form of business entity: Benefit Corporations. Benefit Corporations redefine the purpose of a business to include having a material positive impact on society and the environment. Consistent with that redefined purpose, the directors of a Benefit Corporation must consider the effects of their decisions on all of the corporation’s constituencies, including its shareholders, employees, communities where the corporation has operations, and the local and global environment.

This can’t-miss program will offer practical guidance about whether a Benefit Corporation might be the right form of organization for your business to use, including the various advantages of forming a Benefit Corporation and practical tips on how to handle the associated legal hurdles. To date, Benefit Corporations have been authorized in 12 states: California, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Vermont, and Virginia. Several other states are expected to authorize the formation of benefit corporations next year

To register, or for more information click here.

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