Insured Closing Letters: What Attorneys Need to Know
Wendel Rosen attorney Mark Epstein will present the teleconference “Insured Closing Letters: What Attorneys Need to Know,” on Wednesday, May 18, 2011, from 1:00 to 2:30 pm (Pacific). This presentation is sponsored by National Business Institute (NBI).
Who Should Attend:
- Attorneys
- Lenders
- Title and abstract professionals
- Real estate professionals
Title insurance is a common form of protection for lenders and borrowers alike but the insured closing letter is also an important piece of protection. Do you know what an insured closing letter does and doesn’t cover? Are you confident in your abilities to accurately read and apply insured closing letter coverage? This program will review the process of safeguarding yourself and client from future legal disputes.
Course Content:
- Requirements in ICL Coverage
- What Stops ICL Coverage
- Errors Covered by an ICL
- What Triggers ICL Claims
- Processes to Safeguard Your Client
MCLE Credit:
This activity has been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit by the State Bar of California in the amount of 1.5 hours.
To register, or for more information (including how to purchase a recording), click here or call NBI, Inc. at (800) 930-6182.
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