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Mahatma Gandhi

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Rebecca Logsdon

Rebecca Logsdon is an Intellectual Property paralegal where her work includes food, beverage, dietary supplement & cosmetic regulatory issues; filings concerning UTC and escrow licenses; and California Prop 65 issues. In the recent past, she has also worked on real estate issues and reviewed commercial leases. In particular, she enjoys long, complicated projects, which may take months to complete. Currently, Rebecca is helping to organize and summarize the medical records produced in a litigation matter.

Initially, Rebecca intended to become an attorney (after many people telling her that’s what she should do); however, after a couple of years of law school, she decided that while she enjoyed working with attorneys, she didn’t actually want to be one. After law school, becoming a Paralegal was the natural evolution of her legal career. Rebecca takes great satisfaction in getting the Certificate of Registration for a client, particularly if the registration process has been difficult. She also enjoys getting the huge application wrapped up and filed, as well as finding the “golden nugget” in the mountain of research (or, finding the key that makes sense of the research). She relishes knowing that her attorneys and clients appreciate her work.

Outside of work, you’ll find Rebecca caring for her dogs and training them for competition in performance events (agility, obedience, rally). She is also on the Board for a couple of dog Clubs. Rebecca also likes to cook, bake, garden, read, and enjoy the natural world.


  • B.A., magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt

Areas Of Practice

Create. Protect. Thrive.

Your Technology and Intellectual Property Assets Are The Lifeblood Of Your Business: We Partner With You To Protect Your Critical IP —and To Identify and Implement IP Strategies To Help You Thrive.

Professional and Community Activities

  • President, San Lorenzo Dog Training Club
  • Secretary, Shetland Sheepdog Club of Northern California


  • *Not licensed to the practice of law