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I liken that work to standing in a batter’s box and taking the pitches as they come

A Conversation On Lessons Learned & Life In The Law With Bruna Pedrini

In this week’s leadership profile, we’re in the Valley of the Sun to talk with attorney Bruna Pedrini in our Phoenix office!

October is here – and it’s back-to-school and back to work for many of us. You’re fluent in Italian and the Italian lifestyle. Talk about the balance of say a summer traveling in Italy – and the demands of high-profile attorney like yourself here in the U.S.

Traveling is one of my greatest pleasures—and Italy is really a second home since much of my family is still there. The wonderful thing now is that you can travel and stay in contact with your clients and put out fires as needed, you just have to be willing to work with the time difference.

I am also blessed with wonderful clients who understand we all need a moment away to perform at our best, so they only call while I am away if it is an emergency.

What would you tell your younger self, or a 1L at the University of Minnesota Law School (especially a woman) currently contemplating a career in the legal profession?

Go for it, and do not tie yourself to the traditional career path, unless it is what suits you. Chart your own way, one that makes sense for you, and do not define yourself by the expectation of others.

Without naming your clients, are there any intriguing current matters that you’re working on in your hybrid Employment & Labor and Real Estate practice?

Some of my most intriguing work is for my education clients: it is fast moving, wonderful field of practice and one in which you can feel you are truly making a difference. I liken that work to standing in a batter’s box and taking the pitches as they come.

Talk about your biggest failure. What did you learn? And how did you pick up the pieces and move forward?

Believing the hype—What I learned is that is courage comes in many forms and it is not easy for even good people to do the right thing. What I thought of as a failure was really ok. I learned that it is easy to let young people down and promised myself that when it became my turn to stand up, I would do it. I learned it is never easy and there is always a price.

What is the best – and worst – piece of career advice that you’ve ever received?

Worst: Don’t quit— (somethings are worth quitting.)

Best: Is it the right thing to do? Then go do it.

What are you currently listening to (podcast or music)

The song that is running through my head these days is “Look at Miss Ohio” Dave Rawlings and Gillian Welch for the great lyric, “I wanna do right, but not right now”.
It is catchy and they sing beautifully together.

You and your family and friends are hosting a lavish dinner party, Name the three people – from any time in human history – who you would invite.

Never meet your heroes—how about we go with types of people… and why just 3?
Someone funny
Someone musical
Someone visually artistic
Someone well read
Someone well traveled
Anyone who has lived an interesting life
A diplomat

Many thanks to Bruna for inspiring us with your words of wisdom.
For more information about partnering with our Employment & Labor Law team, please visit: https://www.fennemorelaw.com/services/practices/employment-and-labor-relations/

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